All in one

Connecting Networks

Become and earn lika a connectivity provider

All networks under one roof, controlled by your platform and applications for any phone and mobile device.

Your connectivity on the basis of existing networks and leading brands.

Monetized Connectivity

Earn while others chat, share, talk, use internet-data in your country and worldwide.
You set the rates, fees and prices for calls, chat, internet-data and unfied communication services.



Provide the best network coverage in 193+ countries.
Reach 40% more people than the internet.
Reach 98% of all people worldwide with your voice and data services.
Multi-network access provides with oustanding availability.
SMS-texts empowers you to provide messaging across platforms for any phone.
Provide robust services in the countryside, in the bush, on interurban routes and motorways.
No international roaming fees for mobile calls abroad.


Mobile broadband for extended freezones° and low Wow-rates.
Provice streaming media services like audio-video calls while roaming in urban areas.
Provide the full spectrum of social media communication.


Utilize millions of hotspots to:
Provide and bill your services via your platform and apps.
Provide freezones° for making free calls, chat and more.
Provide paid services where there is no mobile network: Indoors, in planes, underground.
Provide extra security at "free" and insecure public hotspots.


Get covered on all levels:
Geographical & Social: Mobile networks allow to reach 98% of all people.
Brand neutral: Build 100% your own brand. Reach and connect any user with any device on any network.
Platform neutral: Unlimit user experiences by delivering services across platforms, devices and networks.


Supplier & 3rd-Party

Your business on the robust basis of existing networks, data centers and great brands.
Your platform manages and unifies several hundred mobile networks and millions of WiFi hotspots.
Your apps deliver your services with maximum social reach and beyond the internet.
You have new ways to connect? Talk to us!


Reach 2.5 B more users than the internet can do! How?
Conect.One utilizes the mobile networks: GSM and LTE, including millions of WiFi hotspots around the globe. GSM gives you 98% of the world-population. The internet allows up to 60%.
Now users can call where there is no internet available. M2M services deliver IoT quality far beyond the physical access to IP networks.
This makes Conect.One a leading provider in connectivity where people and machines are.

One pricing, one screen, one billing, one handling for your users. We assemble the different networks on your platform and the different ways to communicate in your appss so that they become one for you and your users.

Go global in 7 | 15 | 30 days. Traditional telcos and network providers are just local. We don´t need this any more. Borderless performance and pricing is fair user treatment and leaves comfortable margins for you to earn.

QUESTIONS?  We are here for you!