& 3rd-Party

We are in great company. Join in!

Backed by hundreds of networks, accredited colocations, cloud providers and quality data centers, you are in excellent company.


Count on superior connectivity based on :
Mobile & WiFi networks  The GSM network allows robust call and data quality beyond the internet. | LTE networks allow streaming media in urban areas. | WiFi hotspots provide with broadband internet where mobile data is not available or more expensive.
Multi-network access  allows the best possible coverage in 193+ countries.
Connectivity  is hosted and billed by your platform and delivered by your apps.



All three options are available:
Colocations  at accredited providers with rackspace, dedicted and shared servers, behind firewall and high-speed internet.
Cloud  at accredited supplieres for the noncritical parts and for functions without real-time requirements.
On-Site  for special requirements and special security.
Apps  are directly hosted by Apple, Google and similar and deep-controlled by your platform.



Dedicated devices and server hardware policy:
SIM cards/e/film  will be produced by accredited SIM card manufacturers.
Dedicated devices and phones  will be produced exclusively for you. The production, the R&D department is usually under Conect.One.
Servers  Conect.One provides the specifications.


IP Rights

Conect.One owns what is sells. No license fees or more dependencies in the small print.
You want to buy IP rights? The agreement contains a non-distribution clause.

Connectivity comes from some hundreds of mobile networks in 193+ countries, some million hotspots all over the world.
Colocations are accredited providers in your region, like Equinix and similar.
Applications will be available at the original app stores at Google, Apple and similar and natively written.
The code is written by us or IP rights bought. No follow up or license fees for you.
Dediacted phones and mobile devices: Depending on type and volume we choose from a variety of suppliers.
About shows the team, the targets, the impact and the news.

While talking about your installation we will be happy to check wether suppliers of yours can be integrated.
The Plugin business model is designed to extend existing digital services anyway.

Great, we are always hungry for amazing solutions and next-gen innovations. Drop us a line and let´s see how it works out for both of us.


  • FREE

    Experience apps, the platform and connectivity without obligations.


    Find your business package as integration and as stand alone one-stop shop.

QUESTIONS?  We are here for you!