Global Freezones

Provide the better social media platform with free features, for anyone anywhere and safer.


Why paperwork for donations while the enitire world supports you via chat and calls.

Freedom of Speech

You set the rules of protection, privacy and the rates.

Communities & NPOs


Double benefit your organzation: Users pay you the connection fees directly and automatically. Everyone benefits from better rates and superior connectivity.

You Provide the Networks

Earn the connection fees or do you still pay your telecom bills? Invest these amounts in better rates, freezones and safer connectivity.

Digital Transformation for .ORG

Streamlined platforms inclusive applications, connectivity and automated administration help to drastically reduce costs and to even make money. It starts from 250.- EUR/month.

Apps as Profit-Center

Any Android phone and iPhone user profits from your app. It even supersedes serval apps as it is the most comprehensive communicatoin app on the market.

All functions

Private communication is everyones right. Get your digital setup to realize safe, borderless and platform neutral communication.

Connectivity Provided by You

Yes, you can have your own SIM cards, mobile Apps to unlimite your ways to communicate via GSM, LTE, WiFi in 193+ countries.

Platforms for Everything and -One

Process everything digital in one place: Apps, billing, invoicing, CRM, security, currencies, languages, etc.

Apps Designed for You

No limits for you to run closed groups or public apps or both. You set the rates, the conditions, the security and more.

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Make yourself really comfortable in the communication world: Far but close and private. Internationally dispersed but with truly personal meeting rooms.

Sealed Connections

Build your network on top of the networks. With TLS at least, hardcoded encryption and more privacy features your connections are yours.

Your Communication Platform

All your communication at one place only: Yours! Control everything in real-time: Phones, apps, data devices, connecting networks, messages and media.

Connecting Applications

Equip standard phones and tablets or exclusive phones and devices with voice and data services. Your imagination is the limit.

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Your Connectivity from Conect.One

Your Connectivity

Full set of telecom & chat features:

GSM + LTE + WiFi connections provided and billed by you.
Robust connections via and beyond the internet.
A single app can do all: Chat, internet & mobile calls.
40% greater social reach unlike internet-only services, equals 2.5 B more potential users.
193+ countries become your home-zone, inclusive freezones°.

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Your platform from Conect.One

Your Platform

Your foundation to control anything digital.

Connectivity ⁝ Gain direct access and earn the connection fees.
Applications ⁝ Deep-control your services on any phone and for any device.
Billing ⁝ You set the rates, margins and control any movement on your platform.
Hosting ⁝ Flexible all three options: Colocations, cloud, on-site.
Unified ⁝ The three building blocks of digitalization complete and turnkey-ready.

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Your apps from Conect.One

Your Apps

Empower any(ph)one with your services.

Software for any device.
Your SIM cards/e/film deliver and monetize your services directly.
Your phones and devices for deeper security and special requirements.

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Extended Service Power

Apps include connectivity and operate beyond the internet:

Reach more users.
Facilitate all ways to connect people worldwide.
Earn the connection fees.

Conect.One Security


Protected on three and more levels:

Conversations and files ⁝ AES 256-bit encrypted.
Transmission routes ⁝ TLS/SSL encrypted.
Real-world ⁝ Optional passwords lock chatrooms, screens and more.

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Astonishing simple: One information allows 100% function.

Conect.One is good for money


Earn like a telecom:

Additional income streams ⁝ Users pay you constantly and directly the connection and subscription fees.
Platform & Apps ⁝ Sell ad space and bill 3rd-party services.

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Double benefit:

Direct sourcing gives you the best possible purchase conditions.
Lean management ⁝ One system for your entire communication: Yours!
Company value ⁝ Upgrade your entire business with Conect.One´s digitalization.

Your Connectivity from Conect.One

Benefits for Users

Let customers love you once more:

Wow rates ⁝ Calls always begin in the freezone°, worldwide.
Deeper security and oustanding privacy are automated.
Greater reach gives seamless connections accross platforms, networks and the world.
One-comfort ⁝ All in applications: Chat, internet- & mobile calls, SMS-texts, unified communication, mobile data and more.

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Conect.One Own

Your Benefits

Digital 5.0 by Conect.One gives you:

Extended control and transparency for your value circles.
New income streams⁝ Bill anything and earn the connection fees.
A single source for your streamlined digital setup.
Digital autonomy on top of networks, technologies and leading innovations.
Quick Start⁝ Start in 7 | 15 | 30 days from now, beginning with 3x3x3xfree: Business Packages

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Newsroom communications, connectivity, networks.


  • FREE

    Experience apps, the platform and connectivity without obligations.


    Find your business package as integration and as stand alone one-stop shop.

QUESTIONS?  We are here for you!