Your Benefits
Your digital transformation: Ten reasons, benefits and USPs.
Own your communication beyond your experiences, beyond digital and become a leader in your industry.
One platform ⁝ Total control your value chains, applications, connectivity, security and monetization of services.
One connectivity ⁝ GSM-LTE-WiFi networks unfied and monetized ⁝ No international roaming fees.
One app ⁝ All ways to connect people and empower M2M & IoT. ⁝ At home in 193+ countries.
Multiple Income-Streams
Earn organic and high margin incomes on three levels.
Earn like a telecom Get the connection and subscription fees directly paid.
Sell digital space like a broker Ads, 3rd-party services are billed by you.
Own your audience as never before. Why? You deliver better than ever before and you own Digital more than ever before.
One-Stop Setup
Get the three buildung blocks of digitalization streamlined and in one piece.
Stand-Alone Ready for business in 7 | 15 | 30 days.
Plugin Extend your existing digital setup with the Lite or Full business package.
Dedicated As your new basis of your digitalization or as extension of your existing installation with .25 M or more active users.
BYOx - Make any device yours
Go platform neutral, go network neutral, go borderless, go even brand neutral.
Software apps inclusive connectivity are BYO-perfect even for telcos.
SIM cards/e/film are perfect to equip non-smartphones with your services, to provide best possible security and mobile data.
Phones & devices with your intgegrated connectivity let you even more outstanding in terms of usability, security and monetarily.
All tools and equipment to serve anyone and any device worldwide.
Glocal in 30 days
Your products are useful to anyone anywhere?
Conect.One enables you to go global in 193+ countries and even total borderless.
Start earning the very next month with the Starter | Lite | Full business packages.
Currently this option is available for mobile apps only.
ALL DETAILSOwn your value chain
Get enabled to earn 100% and to deep control your entire value chain worldwide.
Direct connectivity gives you live-access to services and assets.
Manage everything digital by a single installation: Platform + connectivity + apps.
Boost your brand, reduce dependencies!
Switch from indirect to direct communication via your own platform, apps and direct connectivity.
Keep your users and services live anywhere and 24/7 without 3rd-party dependencies.
Better Service Levels
Go beyond legal agreements.
Most robust service quality through multi-network and multi-location settings.
Give your users and clients awsome experiences.
Get digital communication in a most simple and profitable way. Conect.One unifies and streamlines so that even smaller businesses can benefit quick and truly affordable.
The digital transformation derives itself from different industries, technologies and sources. One-comfort gives you the desired functions without the hassles.
Gain three more income streams:
Direct and organic Earn the connection fees for calls, chat and internet-data. Earn the subscription fees. Sell ad space and third-party services.
Indirect Display adverts, integrate a shop, sell products, .. Launch social marketing strategies of all kinds.
Indirect Boost customer loyalty by boosting your brand only. No dependencies on external providers.
Conect.One can be used and services be purchased in 193+ countries.
You want to go regional, international and even global? In 30 days!
Experience apps, the platform and connectivity without obligations.
Find your business package as integration and as stand alone one-stop shop.